Acoustical Performance |
Transmission Loss (TL) of the acoustical panel assemblies are determined by the dual reverberation room method by an independent acoustical laboratory in accordance with ASTM Specification E-90. Sound absorption coefficients of the composite panel assembly are determined as tested by an independent acoustical testing laboratory in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/ASTM C423 and E-795. With high transmission loss and sound absorption properties, the SonoCon sound barriers acoustically isolate equipment and processes from the community and in-plant personnel. Energy within the enclosure is absorbed preventing both reverberant buildup and unwanted reflections which might direct or broadcast the high noise levels into nearby areas. |
Structural Performance |
N/A SonoCon Soundwalls are engineered and erected in accordance with the structural requirements of the of national building codes such as the Uniform Building Code as required by the local building departments. |
Construction |
N/A Constructed of galvanized steel, the acoustical barriers are erected of internally reinforced, tongue and groove panels into a structural framework. SonoCon panels can easily accommodate 15-0" spans and assemblies can be erected to virtually any height. Engineered to withstand typical outdoor environments, SonoCon Soundwall systems can accommodate wind speeds to 95 MPH and seismic zone 4 loads. |
Engineering |
N/A All SonoCon systems are engineered to meet the structural requirements specified by local building codes. |